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Tag: search

How create a spam filter in express.js or how to filter objects based on the word in the key values?

I want create simple spam filter. I dont have an inbox yet but I was thinking when the emails are recived I could make a GET request and filter the object based on the words mentioned in the message. If the posted object is [{“id”:”1″ “email”:””, “cc”: “”, “message”: “You have a chance to win a lottery and be a

why js closest method not find sibling element?

Note: as far as i know that closest() method searches up the DOM tree for the closest element which matches a specified CSS selector. When i click on margin space between two li element .. it’s return null… but if i replace margin-bottom: 15px; with padding-bottom… everything is okay… CSS Code Image if i click on red mark area.. it’s

How to find a key by value of a child element?

My JSON file (countries_numbers.json): Now I want search in this JSON file for a value. Something like that: SEARCHING: countryPrefix = “226” ¦ WHEN FOUND RETURN: “BF” ELSE RETURN “false” I hope you new what I want to do. Sry for the bad question, I’m absolute new to JavaScript. PS: I already searched on Google and found nothing. Answer One

Combine javascript functions to work together

I am building a search form that filters the results based on the a text input as well as select options from four separate drop-downs (category, sub-category, location, etc). The following two functions work well, but I just realized that if I type a search term in the input, make my drop-down selections and then go back and type a

Filter search for

I have a list of users as well: what I want is a text input each time you write a letter to display only users that start with that letter or that they might have the name. As I can do? It is with jquery but not as … Answer Here is a input that filters a <ul> based on

JS search in object values

I have an array of homogeneous objects like so; I’d like to search these objects’ values (not keys) with a keyword, and return an array of objects that contain the keyword in any of the values. So for example, with a keyword r, I would get all the objects (“baR” in object #1, “loRem” in object #2 and “doloR” in
