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Tag: html-lists

Alphabetically Order HTML List with Headers

I am looking to Alphabetically order an HTML list, but after each letter, there would be a <hr /> tag and a header, indicating the new letter list. To revise if I wasn’t clear enough, I have my list… And now, I wanted to have some JS code that would organise this list alphabetically, as well as give a header

Javascript: can’t add href to list item

I am trying to add a new item to a list item. But the below code isn’t adding Hyperlink to the list item I want. Can someone please advise what’s wrong? HTML: JavaScript: Answer li doesn’t have the href attribute, you have to wrap an a tag inside li. The DEMO.

Filter search for

I have a list of users as well: what I want is a text input each time you write a letter to display only users that start with that letter or that they might have the name. As I can do? It is with jquery but not as … Answer Here is a input that filters a <ul> based on

javascript – shuffle HTML list element order

I have a list: Using javascript how can I reorder the list items randomly? Answer This is based on Fisher–Yates shuffle, and exploits the fact that when you append a node, it’s moved from its old place. Performance is within 10% of shuffling a detached copy even on huge lists (100 000 elements).
