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Tag: rollup

Bundle multiple named AMD modules with dependencies into one JS file (building a web app extension system)

I’m working on an extension system for my web app. Third-party developers should be able to extend the app by providing named AMD modules exporting constants and functions following a predefined spec and bundled into a single .js JavaScript file. Example JavaScript bundle: In the above example module1 and module2 are extension modules (identified by the spec export) and module3

Integrating npm module into a plain Javascript app, don’t know how to fix error

I apologize, my lack of knowledge of how to build modern Javascript apps is showing. We have a Capacitor app that uses plain Javascript, without any build tools. This works fine. We’re trying to add Microsoft Code Push support, via, and we’re running into a problem with how to integrate it into our app. For Capacitor and its plugins,

Rollup : single html output

I’m trying to package my Svelte app into a single Html file output. I’ve managed to get the desired output with a configuration based on that answer : Output Single HTML File from Svelte Project With “npm run dev” everything is fine with the first build, but I’m having issues following (live-reload) builds: bundle[‘bundle.css’] is not filled in my inlineSvelte’s

Error when import a node_module on svelte

i have to create a module to use on my application, but when I import that in my major project i have this error I have not the folder dist/index.js, in the guide I followed I did not see that it was necessary to make the package, also in another project i did not have these problems. My version of

What’s the reason Rollup build Js into two files cjs and es

Recently I saw a package that has two built files. I am curious why there are two Js files. When I import the package which file will be used and how it determine which file to be imported? Answer The file you get when doing a default import is documented in the package.json of that package (as in most npm
