I’m picking up working with react and redux, while handling state locally I am able to pass events along with onChange handlers so as to access the value with event.target.value and set them to state. Unfortunately, I am unable to pass the event to MapDispatchToProps I have tried passing the event along with the prop assigned to the onChange handler
Tag: redux
How to fetch .json data from URL?
I have problem with fetching data from URL. When I write data inside of a file, app works great, but when I try to call same data from URL, I get error. I made a test with small app where everything was inside of a App.js file, and it worked. But new app is kinda devided in multiple files, and
Connecting actions to store outside a component?
So let’s suppose I have a store, with a redux-thunk middleware in it. I created the store and exported it like this: I can now access it anywhere in my app. But what if I want to dispatch an action from anywhere? I have them declared e.g. in myAction.js: Now I can import them and connect to my store/component like
Configure devToolsExtension and applyMiddleware() inside the React-Redux Store
I am unable to figure out the exact way to use devToolsExtension and middleware at the same time in the redux store. Below is my code for the redux store. As createStore() takes 3 arguments. Before applying middleware thunk I was using it as the below code which works fine for me. Now, I need to use devToolsExtension as well
How i can save the toggle state and don’t lose after refresh the page
hello my project is done mostly from react and redux, i am buliding app in this app there is toggle when is on its sync the data to the calendar, and i want it to stay it toggle even after refresh the page. here is some code and here after return is there away to save the state taggle other
Redux loses state when navigating to another page
I am building a web application using React and Redux. Redux works when I set the state on that page and then reaccess it through a statement like this.props.book.bookTitle, however, when I navigate to another page, redux loses it’s state and defaults to the initialState. Here is my code: bookDuck.js: reducer.js: store.js: index.js: In the following piece of code, I
typescript + redux: exclude redux props in parent component
I am using redux and typescript for my current webapp. What is the best practice to define the props of a component which receives redux-actions via @connect, but also props from parent? Example: As I see it I got 2 solutions. Just pass the actions & state down through my whole app. But that would mean that my whole app
Sending number instead of string from Select in React component
I have a “controlled” React component for a very simple drop down that looks like this: Initially, I set the value of the field to 0 in my reducer. This is the right thing to do because the value will always be a number. The problem I’m having is this: Initially, everything is fine but when I make a selection,
Use reselect selector with parameters
How do I pass additional parameters to combined selectors? I am trying to • Get data • Filter data • Add custom value to my data set / group data by myValue console.log(myValue) returns undefined Answer Updated: 16 February 2022 New Solution from Reselect 4.1: See detail Updated: 6 March 2021 Solution from Reselect: See detail Old: This is my
Why use Redux-Observable over Redux-Saga?
I have used Redux-Saga. Code written with it is easy to reason so far, except JS generator function is messing up my head from time to time. From my understanding, Redux-Observable can achieve the similar job that handles side effects but without using generator function. However, docs from Redux-Observable does not provide many opinions of why it is superior against