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Tag: reactjs

react js : children style doesn’t show

I tried to create a component ‘Card’ and use it like a container. the code work well without ‘card’. when I tried to add it the ‘Card.css’ and expense-item in ExpenseItem.css doesn’t work this is ‘ExpenseItem.js’: this is ‘Card.js’: and this is ‘Card.css’: and finally this is ‘ExpenseItem.css’: Answer You need a space between card and the class name in

Show and Hide Condition in React

I have a simple problem here which I can’t figure out. I wanted to hide menus depending on the condition. For example if status contains at least one “Unlinked”. “All unlinked images” menu should appear. I did used .some and I wonder why it doesn’t return a boolean. Codesandbox is here Click here Answer The methods do return a boolean.

Creating Plugins in React

I am learning React. I have experience with Vue.js. Vue.js has the concept of plugins which allow you to inject functionality across pieces of your app. The pieces may be components, state management, router, etc. A common need for plugins is translation or logging. My question is, does React have a concept like plugins or services? If so, what is
