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Tag: reactjs

How to Map objects inside an array – Javascript

This is for a React Native Chat app. My data should be something like this: I am listing the Chat list using a FlatList: The messages shows like this all stacked up and I am not what is the workaround. What I am trying to achieve is displaying the last message based on timestamp. Answer To get the last message

Objects not getting stored into localstorage. – React JS

So I’m trying to make a web application which fetches products from backend API and displays it and I’m also trying to implement add to cart functionality which works by storing products added to the cart by the user in their local storage When I click add to cart this is what gets added currently cartItems [{}] which is not

Does React not work with js Set:s (the datatype)?

I’m trying to use the js Set datastructure with React but it will not update like I thought it would. Consider the following two two examples. Buttons are supposed to go green when pressed. The first one with a Set (NOT WORKING) And the same example but with an array instead (WORKING) Answer React decides whether to rerender through comparing
