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Tag: reactjs

How to combine dynamic and static routes in React

I need to combine dynamic and static routing in React. In my website i need to display bunch of products and they are displayed by using a dynamic routing <Route path={“/:products”}/> but every single product has his own ‘Install’ page but by running <Route path ={“/:products/install”}>Install</Route> it doesn’t work. In the product page i use link to go to /install

Update React-D3-Graph ViewBox

So I have a dataset called actors that holds my nodes and links called scratch that looks like this… And I’m trying to make the graph show up on my react app when ran. The problem I’m having is that the viewbox is extremely small so I can’t use a much larger dataset without nodes going off the screen. I

Not able to access correct value of state variable inside function in React

I have created a form in React which has a button that should redirect to the next form after validating the input data. The button looks like this: validateData function is as follows: handleSubmit function called inside validateData has the validation logic and it updates a state variable errors upon validation. The issue here is that props.errors is not shown

Cleaning up axios useEffect function

I keep getting this error for my useEffect. How can I stop getting this warning for my function below? I’m not sure what to add in the useEffect dependency array, I’ve tried using setAppState and the state itself but still getting this warning. Answer Check if the component is still mounted before calling setAppState:
