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Tag: reactjs

React.lazy warning

Other file. The code works but () => import(‘./components/home’) generates this warning: Argument type function(): Promise<{readonly default?: function(): any}> is not assignable to parameter type () => Promise<{default: ComponentType}> Type Promise<{readonly default?: function(): any}> is not assignable to type Promise<{default: ComponentType}> I have already read the other topics and none of them work. Thank you. Answer Although I don’t like

Show Button only particular area while scrolling

Need to show Button between 370px to 410px while scrolling in the Page. Suggest me, how to solve this because this above code is not working. Answer The problem with your validation is that using an || operator using two ways of getting the scrollTop is causing your issues, because in chrome document.body.scrollTop returns 0, and that guarantees that the

Apply :focus-visible when focusing element programatically

I want to apply styling to my element when I’m focus it using my keyboard or when focused programatically using HTMLElement.focus(). E.g in the example below. I want the <div> to have blue borders initially or when I focus with tab. I only want it to have red border when I click the <div> using my mouse. Is this possible?

React: Component name based on prop

I am trying to load a component in React via a prop. It is an icon that I want to pass from the parent component. Dashboard (parent): Button (child): Unfortunately, I can’t find an easy way to make this work since I’m not allowed to use props in the component name. Answer Here is a working version : I added

how to dynamically set an array object into input field in react

please i am trying to dynamically set array object into input field and send it to the backend. thanks when i console.log printOut, it return undifined. hi everyone, please i am trying to dynamically set array object into input field and send it to the backend. thanks hi everyone, please i am trying to dynamically set array object into input
