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Tag: reactjs

How to delete a cookie in Reactjs

I am developing a web app with react front-end and node baack-end I want to delete the cookie being stored so that I can successfully be able to logout the user. I have tried using the js-cookie library and react-cookie library but it does not work. nav_component: How I set the cookie in the backend: It should be noted that

React JS sorting issue

I’m trying to sort some data in my application. I’d like to support the following options: Price (low to high) Price (high to low) Mileage (low to high) Mileage (high to low) It looks like price sorting is working. However, when I click on “lowest mileage”, it keeps showing the highest price results – the old value of sorting. I

Push data inside an array index. React Native JSX

I am trying to compare, find and push data inside an array. But getting following error Error => TypeError: undefined is not an object (evaluating ‘data[index].push’) I have following JSON/Array I want to push packages object inside matching category so json/array will be as follows Following is the code what I was trying to do: Answer I don’t know how

How to pass index to child function

Here is the question. I want to pass index of each child element to the function handleChange, but I can’t get it))) When I click on TabPanelItem appears error handleChange is not a function What’s the problem? Parent Element: and my child component: Answer you made a mistake in this line you dont handleChange in the tablePanelItem it should be

Error: Absolute route path “/” nested under path “/app” is not valid

I suddenly get this error and not sure why.I did not change the “react-router-dom”: “^6.0.0-beta.4” version. But the “react-dom”: “^16.8.4″” had changed to “react-dom”: “^16.13.1”, Dunno if that had anything to do with I don’t know but the useRoutes comes from “react-router-dom” and that’s where the error originate ya. Anyone have a clue? Here is my App.jsx where i use
