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Tag: react-native

show 2 items per row[react native]

I am learning react native and in all the tutorials i see ListView has been used with only 1 items per row. I have not used ListView, though. I have only 6 items that has to be shown as flat grid with 2 items per row and should be responsive. I know its a basic question, but i have tried

React-Native: How to open google play store from react native app?

I am trying to find a way how to open the google play store with my application when the user is pressing a button inside of the react-native application. Is there a way how to do this? Answer You can use deeplinking to redirect your user from your app using this: and the Linking API from react-native:

Can’t show Image in React Native

I’m using react-native 0.28.0 I’m trying to show an image on iPhone simulator according to this tutorial: Introduction to React Native: Building iOS Apps with JavaScript | Appcoda Then in the render() function, I add this: The space allocated for the image is there, but the image is not shown. Answer In addition to Jonathan Stellwag’s answer, the 1st solution
