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Tag: progressive-web-apps

Can I ask for read SMS in website

Is it possible to ask to user for permission to read sms of OTP on web app such as like android. If it is possible then ask. Answer According to the documentation, progressive web apps and/or HTML5 API can’t read or send SMS. Things have not moved a lot since this thread

Firefox: Service Worker: SecurityError: DOMException: The Operation is insecure

In app.js, I am checking the serviceWorker existence in navigator object and if available then registering the SW. When trying to register SW, I receive the below error in Firefox. I also made sure the service-worker.js file is under src directory. Checking my about:config in Firefox (version 59.0.2) I had service worker and storage api enabled. So that shouldn’t be

Javascript to check if PWA or Mobile Web

I was curious if anyone knew a javascript based method for detecting whether the web experience was being run as a PWA (progressive web app) or it was simply being run as a standard mobile website (with full browser UI). Is there any difference between a PWA that is “installed” versus one that isn’t but still has the service worker
