I’m currently working on a really simple project. When I tried to console log req.body it gives me empty object. app.js (React Native) server.js (Node JS Backend API) Answer You should parse the incoming requests with JSON payloads. In server.js add the middleware fucntion:
Tag: post
JavaScript form (ajax submission) with validation doing something funky
I am trying to do a form validation function with Ajax submission. For some reason the validation doesn’t work and when it submits, my server gets the empty fields (when I am testing for the validation) but it shows that it tried to post to the same page… I don’t know why. Form: My JS File: Where I go when
Axios POST request sends data to Express server but Error 404
Axios POST request sends data to Express sever but Error 404 Hello, world, I am trying to build a user authentication server for a project I am working on, but I am running into a problem trying to send a POST request to my Node.js Express server. I want to send a POST request using Axios containing a username and
Getting TypeError: Cannot read property ‘name’ of undefined, while posting the form – node.js
I am building a node Js project and i am saving the values of form to a mongoDB database. Despite of trying i couldn’t find what is causing this error. Error is at router.post function on 3rd line. Please guide me through this through your magical powers of coding and debugging. 😀 you can see clearly I have defined the
Form does not have data in FormData javascript
I’m trying to submit a form without redirecting using AJAX. From the answers I saw the [best](new URLSearchParams(new FormData(form).entries()); ) I found (I think) without using jQuery was: I’m trying to apply this mechanism in my code, but for some reason my form does not have information. I guess I’m calling the function before it gets recorded? But I’m not
Repeatedly await asynchronous post requests
I want to repeatedly do a POST request, as follows: But this won’t work, because I’m somehow not using asynchronous programming correctly. Somehow even after spending hours on async js I don’t know if I still get it. EDIT: this code is on the client-side. Answer To sequentially execute the request, you need to return the promise (return value of
Node.js express – body of POST request is always empty
I am trying to read the body of POST request using Express in Node.JS framework. I send a HTTP POST request using HTML form. I detected a POST request on WireShark with the following data: This shows that the request is sent successfully. I expected JSON format, which is the one that Express successfully parsed for me, but this format
Sending POST request with Fetch after closing the browser with ‘beforeunload’ / ‘unload’ eventlistener is not working
for the life of me I can’t figure out what is happening. I’ve been spending all day searching for the answer but can’t find it anywhere. I’m practicing with writing a function that emails an abandoned form to me. This is the index.js file I run for the local host that hosts the form The function that the request is
Google App Script Web App GET and POST request blocked by CORS policy
I created a Google Web script app that adds a user’s name and email to a spreadsheet. This works fine when accessing the web page from directly in the browser, but both GET and POST requests from a website returns the error “Access to fetch at ‘https://script.google.com/macros/s/AKfycbxkG5hM6MMswwHdzWSJKwutMYsOZRT3zjC7jFti0sDvJ47bWB4BTsHPhvbyEVGSsSc5/exec’ from origin ” has been blocked by CORS policy: No ‘Access-Control-Allow-Origin’ header is
How to post query parameters with Axios?
I am trying to post on an API with some query params. This is working on PostMan / Insomnia when I am trying to by passing mail and firstname as query parameters : However, when I am trying to do it with my react native app, I got a 400 error (Invalid Query Parameters). This is the post method :