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Tag: php

How to get html data-attribute string from a php variable

I am constructing an html form in php with javascript and css, the following line of code works fine and displays a textarea with the required prefix: $form .= ‘<textarea class=”text” data-prefix=”Message from: ” ></textarea>’; However I want to include a php variable i.e $form .= ‘<textarea class=”text” data-prefix=”Message from: $foo” ></textarea>’; This show the textarea with the prefix ‘Message

PHPMaker 2019 | Dynamic caption based on data in database

In PHPMaker (v2019) i have the following need: Generate a caption for an column which contains a dynamic part – the year. Currently I’m using the system-date with following code: $this->COLUMN_IN_DATABASE ->Caption .= “MyColumnName ” . (date(“Y”) + 0) This works finde but i need change this to an value in the database. There is an column which contains the

Overlay of two images with transparency

I’m looking for a solution in Javascript maybe to create a real-time preview of products based on multiple options that a consumer could choose from multiple radiobutton. Exemple : I have a face.png and a hat.png with transparents parts, and a cap, and when I click on cap, I would like to display the image of the cap + the

Ajax calling PHP and getting Return value

Not used Javascript -> Ajax -> PHP -> Javascript before and I am struggling to pick-up the return value. Ajax is calling the PHP, but all I am getting back is the HTML for the web page. Can anyone see what I am doing wrong? Javascript: – PHP: – As I said, RESULT just seems to contain the page’s HTML
