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Tag: smarty

Ajax calling PHP and getting Return value

Not used Javascript -> Ajax -> PHP -> Javascript before and I am struggling to pick-up the return value. Ajax is calling the PHP, but all I am getting back is the HTML for the web page. Can anyone see what I am doing wrong? Javascript: – PHP: – As I said, RESULT just seems to contain the page’s HTML

use multiple files in category.tpl with smarty

{$category->id|escape:’htmlall’:’UTF-8′} this smarty code is for get id number on category.tpl we have lot of category id’s example 2,6,8,10 etc etc and in my folder lots of files names example 2minimum.txt, 6minimum.txt, 8minimum.txt, 10minimum.txt etc etc i want to use include file when current category id page with category id number txt file. {include file=’folder/2minimum.txt’} <=- this will work perfect
