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Tag: php

How to call php file into a div?

I’m trying to reload only specific div Because div content is much larger, I tried: How can I call the code from a .php file into a div ? Answer use $(‘div’).load(‘phpfile.php’) $.load is used to load data from the server via an html file or a server-side script like php. Just to have an overview of what you can

What is data serialization?

First of all, I couldn’t get clear definition of it from WikiPedia or even from serialize function in the PHP manual. I need to know some cases where we need the term serialization and how things are going without it? In other words, Where you need serialization and without it your code will be missing some important feature. Answer What

Determine if Lat/Lng in Bounds

I’m interested in determining if a lat/lng location is within the bounds and looking for recommendations on a algorithm. (javascript or php) Here is what I have so far: will this work? thanks Answer The simple comparison in your post will work for coordinates in the US. However, if you want a solution that’s safe for checking across the International

Check if innerHTML is empty

I have a ajax call on my onkeyup event, that checks if the given email address is in the database or not. My problem is, that I can’t find a right solution to check if the ajax response is EMPTY and if yes I need to disable a button. This is the ajax.php output: This is the JavaScript for the
