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Tag: nuxt.js

Force Nuxt to run script tag

I have a script on a page: If I go to the page via a NuxtLink in the navigation the script runs, however if I type the URL to the browser address bar it doesn’t. Is there a way to force the NuxtLink result when the page is accessed directly? The script tag is coming from a CMS so there

Nuxt app failed heroku deployement code=H10 error

I’m trying to deploy my ecommerce nuxt app to heroku. Here’s exactly what I did then I followed exactly what the heroku website did list. Everything works Once I visit the link, however, I get an error: After following the heroku tail command, the app keeps crashing with the following error Now i know that this problem has already been

NuxtJS how to reload asyncData with emit

I would like to know if it is possible to reload asyncData in an emit in a function like this Page component-child Is it possible? Otherwise how to do it? Answer You can try this.$nuxt.refresh() to refresh fetch() or asyncData() hooks. As explained in the documentation:

Vue 2 and NuxtJS – style child component from parent

I have a Nuxt.js project (so still using Vue 2) with these two components, I would like to override the child style from the parent, I discovered the ::v-deep pseudo selector but it doesn’t seem to be working. My label always appear as cornflowerblue instead of orange. Anyone has experienced this before ? PS: After I get that to work,

How to use owl carousel in Nuxt?

I want to make script work on every page without that these page need loaded; I have owl caroussel script on my static folder, and i already put it in nuxt.config.js, here how i put it: And there is the script on my main-script.js: The caroussel work well on the page if the page is loaded, but if it come

Three.js webglrenderer.render issue

I’m developing a site with three.js and Nuxt.js. When i try to use the EffectComposer, the console give me a lot of warnings like this: three.webglrenderer.render(): the rendertarget argument has been removed. use .setrendertarget() instead. In my case, I understand that it’s an issue with the newest versions of three.js, because if I use an earlier version of three.js(101) it’s
