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Tag: npm-install

Tailwind default color classes not working

I’m building a React application using Tailwind CSS Framework. I have used NPM to install tailwind in my react app in the following manner: Then I have also edited my tailwind.config.js file in the following manner: And updated my index.css file in the following manner: Then I tried to use default color classes that tailwind CSS provides in the following

NPM audit vulnerabilities

I was installing npm package for getting node module file but after I run npm install it is showing me 184 vulnerabilities(153 low, 1 moderate, 30 high), should i have to run npm audit fix in order to fix this, But my concern is that will it make any changes in the already installed dependencies, will it change my package.json

‘react-router-dom’ does not contain an export named ‘useHistory’

Im trying to import useHistory from react-router-dom but it keeps giving me the error ‘react-router-dom’ does not contain an export named ‘useHistory’. React-router-dom’s version is 4.3.1 and i’ve tried updating (in case there was an updated version) but every time i do npm install react-router-dom it always just installs 4.3.1 It updated react-router from 4.3.1 to 5.2.0 just fine so
