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Tag: netlify

How should I configure workbox to support offline caching of third party requests?

I am currently using the workbox-build module, specifically the generateSW mode, to generate my service worker scripts to deploy my web application to Netlify. My site is a static site. Here is my worker-config.js: This configuration works well for online use. However, third party requests to certain assets (i.e. images, Javascript, etc.) are not successfully precached for offline usage. Netlify

ReferenceError when deploying project to Netlify

I am encountering an issue when deploying my React project to Netlify saying that my editUserInfo function within my profile-info view is not defined. Additionally, I am using React-Router to switch views in my project. This works perfectly in development and all of my links work fine until I try accessing the profile view. Other than this, the site deployed

Getting environment variables to work in next js and netlify

I have deployed a next js application to netlify using git and I have a .env.local file that stores the backend route url that I use everywhere throughout the app when making fetch requests. The problem is that after deployment the process.env.NEXT_PUBLIC_BACKEND_ROUTE returns undefined. The .env.local file: NEXT_PUBLIC_BACKEND_ROUTE=https://[the name of the url] An example of a page using the environment
