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Tag: mongoose

I am trying to use populate in mongodb with nodejs, but values are not populating

listservices.model.js Services.model.js exports.findAll = (req, res) => { const services =; var condition = services ? { services: { $regex: new RegExp(services), $options: “i” } } : {}; Services.find(condition ).populate(‘servicescategories’) }; [{“_id”:”60a27c66d87174379c93d7b5″,”name”:”MY data name”,”closed”:false,”active”:false,”listservices”:”60a2606680405c41c05cf005″,”createdAt”:”2021-05-17T14:23:34.412Z”,”updatedAt”:”2021-05-17T14:23:34.412Z”,”__v”:0}] Answer You are trying to use different name in your controller, populate receives 4 parameters- path, selection(fields to be return) , condition, options (like {limit:10}):

Ignore $in if empty array is provided

I have the following model: Note: interface matches the model exactly but i pasted this as its much shorter. I am using the following data to filter through this collection: What i want to achieve is to find every document and check if the corresponding array has at least one of the values from the array i sent via includeFilters.

Handling Mongoose Query Errors in Express.js

So let’s say I want to make a Mongoose query to a database, inside of an Express post route: My concern is the handleError function. I’m not quite sure what kind of errors could even happen in Mongoose since it’s just a simple query, but what should be included in the handleError function? And what response should I send to
