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Tag: mongoose

NodeJs push in array not working within the async function

Here is my code… When I’m trying to access schedule.passenger inside the async function It’s working but when trying to access outside the async function it’s not working. Answer forEach(async function will fire bunch of async functions and once array iterations are complete, the execution will move to next code block without waiting for all the async functions to complete.

update two layer nested object based on the id

I have this structure in my Mother Model (this is a fixed structure and I just push cards or update them on these 3 array levels): The Objects inside cards.advanced array above are like: Assuming I have access to Mother model like this: How can we update a card object based on its id and the level it belongs to

Node.js throws TypeError: Cannot destructure property ‘firstName’ of ‘req.body’ as it is undefined, even though it works for an other post request

So I know there are tons of similar questions out there, and I’ve read most of them in the past few days. However I didn’t find any solution to my problem. The app is about users can post memories(cards) etc… Point is, when I create a new card with POST request, there is no problem, but when I want to
