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Tag: mongoose

Node JS + Mongo DB: ValidationError: User validation failed: username: Path `username` is required because it force replaces the field

I am trying to save my data to a mongodb server but somehow it force replaces the first variable as id so it is throwing the above mentioned error. in router code I am doing console.log(req.body,cred) and here is the result I get: { emailAddress: ‘’, password: ‘123456’, id: ‘6070cbd7c603550ac4385485’ } { _id: 6078c61277453c2170d7e177, password: ‘123456’, id: ‘6070cbd7c603550ac4385485’ } Can

Conditional joins on collections using mongoose

I’m new to mongoDB, I am trying to achieve the following SQL query on it. but could not find anything useful so far. can anyone tell equivalent mongoose query what I got so far is following UPDATE I have following name and export scheme Answer You can use filter out objects included in resulting array using match but in the

How to exclude an array of objects from mongoose find?

Lets pretend my collection holds following elements: Now I want to execute a find operation but want to exclude following items: How does the query have to look to get the following response? Answer Try $nor operator, performs a logical NOR operation on an array of one or more query expression and selects the documents that fail all the query
