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Tag: momentjs

weekdays with date-Digit number in moment js

I am trying to find WeekdayName with dateDigit in moment js. for example: Wednesday 13 I have found these => moment(date).format(‘dddd’) But is returning me only Wednesday not digit number. So any lead, for answer appreciates. Answer format – dddd DD dddd – Day Name DD – Date

Invalid date when parsing with locale it

I need to parse a date in the “it” locale with momentjs, and I’m doing this What I get is “invalid date” and I don’t understand why. Can you help me? Using the “en” locale (with the date written as 12/20/2018) all is ok Answer The below snippet will accomplish what you want. It takes moment’s date format for a

Chart.js 2.7.2- Multiline get point value onClick

I would like to get value foreach point value. Don’t work because when I click on point I obtain only of the first line value. GetElementsAtEvent give me an array of 3 element (element active) but how I can get the clicked value? This the Complete code. Thanks Answer To get the exact element, use ctx.getElementAtEvent.

Only retrieve YYYY-MM-DD from moment

Doing moment().format() returns 2018-05-30T11:38:04+10:00. How can I retrieve only the 2018-05-30 part of it? Answer Here you go. You need to pass format string in moment().format(“you desired date/time format in string format”) function For more information, checkout this link for formatting :

How to manage datetime in angular

I’m working with Angular(v5). I have some problem with Datetime. I need the current time and I have to save it in a variable. After that I have to subtract an interval of hours (8 hours or an hour) and save the result in a variable and then do it withconsole.log. I need the format to be: YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm:ss I

moment.js date validation from array of formats

I need to test an input for proper date format. I want to accept several date formats so I created a validating function that test if at least one of the formats is OK and in that case return true. I use moment.js to test the date. When I simply type the condition with hard-coded string date formats, the function
