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Tag: material-ui

Documentation for version 4-11.4 of material ui is missing

Since the rollout of MUI v5.0.0-rc.1 all the doc pages of v4 other than v4.12.3 seem to have disappeared. and (now broken) where can I find the previous versions documentations ? Thanks ! Answer Might be related: You can get the previous versions from git. Clone the branch with the version you want Then cd to the

unable to only select a single material ui checkbox

I am new to react and I am making a simple todo app using react js and material ui. What I have is a separate component for taking the user input (TodoInput), and a separate component for rending each individual todo task (TodoCards). What I want to do is enable the user to click the checkbox rendered in the TodoCards

Add text between two textfield in material ui

I tried to add a text between the two textfield but somehow the text is not properly aligned with the two textfield Reference: Answer In this root class, which is your form’s container, add the following style: Hope this helped =)

Problems in Grid when using material UI

Hello am trying to build card sets using material UI I’ve sorted data from a javascript object but when I compile the result is not what am looking for here’s the code am using. And the result is this: instead of this: P.S.: the second picture coded manually Answer i’ve tried this one and it worked for me I wrapped

using multiple libraries in react

so my question is I have a react application in this application I used material UI for only two components and I installed npm i @materialui/core so basically, I installed all material UI library but I only used 2 components of that big library will this cause my application to have bigger bundle size or when you run to build

Local image show not show up in React JS

I’m just learning about React JS and Material UI to create a dynamic web application. I’m using ‘url(${process.env.PUBLIC_URL})’ to connect my local image but for unknown reason the image would not show up. As displayed above, I’m trying to place the water-bottle.jpg image inside AboutUs.js file but the error is constantly saying ‘GET http://localhost:3001/images/water-bottle.jpg 500 (Internal Server Error)’. This is
