I have an array of objects called posts with a nested field answer. I have different conditions depending on which I need to sort my array. Example array What I need to do is…I want to sort all the answers with type “video” to start and after that type “audio” and then type “text” answers like so Any help would
Tag: lodash
How to get distinct elements(case insensitive) from array of objects using lodash
I have an array that looks something like below, now I need only one Microsoft, instead of these case combinations using lodash. expected output, can anyone help me out with this? found many solution, but i need the case insensitive filter. thanks in advance. Answer You can use lodash’s _.uniqBy(), which accepts a function that generates the matching criteria. In
React hangs when trying to connect to component
For some reason, when trying to connect this component, react simply hangs without giving any error: Presumably the problem is with the profile object. Previously, everything was packaged in variables and everything worked, but now I replaced the variables with an object and react just stopped loading. Answer Try moving the call to standProfilePicture() inside the useEffect hook. A dangling
lodash new object from array of objects with properties
So I have an array of people, with their names and money. I want, using lodash and chaining, to return an object with the name and money of richest person even if that person has multiple objects in the array, summarizing the total amount of money. Return object should look something like this, without address. The steps in my mind
How do I transform the results of a Lodash groupBy in a _.chain
I have the following array: After running it through .groupBy in a _.chain, I get the following: How can I then transform it to the following? I suspect that .transform is correct, just can’t figure out how to make it work. Answer
Remove duplicates from array of objects conditionally
I’ve got an array of objects which have a property in common ‘label’. But some of them have properties that others don’t : And I want duplicates (those objects with the same ‘label’ value) in this array to be removed and to keep only those which have the ‘id’ property. I tried to do it with _.uniqBy but it takes
use lodash convert one JSON structure to another
I have a json JSON structure like this I want to convert data to an output structure like this. Here’s the target with just the result I want to achieve. split the key valeu to new object if the value is the same. Thanks in advance. Answer You may achieve the desired transformation with Object.entries, Array.prototype.reduce and spread operator for
Unexpected token ‘export’ in lodash-es
I move from lodash to lodash-es in my typescript project . I installed lodash-es and @types/lodash-es. But when I compile using webpack my project it throw an error: I’m not sure what the problem and how to solve this error? Answer From your error, looks like you are trying to load a esm module in node (v14+), by default only
Lodash throttle firing multiple times
I am using lodash throttle like this I need to trigger this upon a certain notification event I am getting from a ws. So the idea was, if I get 10 notifications at almost the same time, to have the fetch function fire only once at the wait of 10 seconds. Instead, what is happening is that the fetch functions
Nested grouping in array of objects with id and date?
I have an array of json objects as Now i want to group data for same accountid for a year. For example Please guide me how can achieve this ? Answer Use forEach over items and Build an object with keys and accountId (have separate buckets for each month). Get Object.values from the object just built.