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Tag: lodash

Implementing Lodash Invert

I’m working on a challenge that requires me to implement the .invert() method myself. Below is my solution but the expected outcome doesn’t match with the actual outcome returned. Please see the second block below. Implemented .invert() method: Tested with below code: And I expected to see below is returned: Actually returned value was as below: I’m doing something terribly

How to debounce a controlled input?

I’m currently struggling with react inputs and debounce from lodash. Most of the time when I have a form I also have an edit option, so I need a controlled component to fill back the inputs using value={state[“targetValue”]} so I can fill and edit the field. However, if the component is controlled debounce isn’t working. I made a simple example

Best way to remove empty query strings from an API request

In my react app I am tasked with sending multiple GET requests, sometimes with some optional filter params attached. Additionally I’m storing the params in my redux store so that they are able to stack on subsequent requests. Here’s the problem: There are times when I’ll clear the values of a param but since their keys are still saved to

Lodash debounce async/await

I’m trying to add debounce to my application before I do an api call. However when I introduce debouce, it seems like my await is ignored and the function calls due to missing values Error: in the setSearch method, I wrapped the call to get data in debounce but nothing happens. Answer I think I figured it out. Deboune returns

How to merge two objects, overriding null values?

I’d like to merge two similar but not identical objects and override null values in one of them, if such exist. For example I’d have these two objects: And the effect of merge should be: In other words, the most important source of data in the merged object is obj2 but it lacks some properties from obj1, so they need

javascript implementation of lodash “set” method

Found this excellent code for _.get vanilla js implementation: Now I’m looking for _.set implementation, any help would be appreciated. Answer I think this could cover it: It is a bit more complex than get, because there is some logic needed to create missing parts of the path in the object, to overwrite primitive values that stand in the way,

VueJS , LoDash debounce watch on entire form

I’m trying to get LoDash debounce to work to trigger an event when a user stops typing on a form. Something similar to this guide Except I want to apply it to the entire form/model properties. At the moment the debounce never fires. Example JS Fiddle JS HTML Answer You need to make your watcher deep Updated fiddle
