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Tag: json

Update Select When New Category Added

hi guys i want to update select options when user add new category can anyone tell me how to do this ? i want to update option with new item added in this part of code Answer If you want React re-render your component when new category added, add local state to it. Here is the updated code:

Having trouble displaying object property

I’m building a small pokedex using PokeAPI. I’m retrieving data from an endpoint and building my own object. The function that I’ve built for the latter runs on page load as follows: I’m able to console log the object and traverse it in devtools, and also able to JSON stringify it and display within html. But whenever I try to

charts.js displays only first x and y value from a json api response

I am trying to render a chart with charts.js with a json api but the rendered chart displays only the first x and y values from the json the json is fetched using xmlhttp json api link Answer It seems that Chart.js does not recognize the thousands separators (,) in your values. You can get around your problem by

How to extract all arrays in json object

I have a json object which has a collection of countries. Each country can have multiple regions which are represented in an array. I want to get the regions only and put all regions into one list.However when I map the data it doesn’t put all the regions in a list. What am I missing here? Here is the call
