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Tag: json

Json path starting with 0

I’m trying to get the data from a https.get request to an API and the json path has a 0 at the beginning. What does it mean and how do I access the data? The path is 0.length and the json chart viewer throws an error. The data looks like this in json viewer: Answer 0 is index of array,

How to “store” data from an API call and refresh it (make new call) overtime (replacing old stored contents) on website

I’m a volunteer for this association/game called FAF. We have a leaderboards ( of players that we get through API calls. However, it isn’t very efficient to make it so everytime someone opens the leaderboard page to make an API call to get the rankings. However, Imagine if 1000 people visit it, that would be 1000 calls to the API

Creating a nested Json from an array

I have this Js array: How to convert restructure this array to JSON? I tried with the JSON.stringify() function but I don’t get the expected result. Thanks Answer You could use to convert sub-array entries of the original array into objects with suitably named properties, and call JSON.stringify on the result. The map function is using Destructuring assignment to
