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Tag: jquery

Dynamic dropdown selection for dynamic rows not just first row

I have created a form for entering product data which sends the results back to the mysql database. I have a dropdown/select id named ‘attribute_name’ and the other ‘attribute_value’ I have managed to send the results back to the database and that is working great. I would however like to restrict the user to only choosing values based on the

Send website visitor IP when accessing website

I am working on a personal project and I was wondering why not use a kind of ip logger that logs the ip of a visitor and sends it to a Discord webhook. The code works, but only locally. I tried hosting the code on Glitch but i was getting this error in the console: grab.js: index.html: Answer This answer

How to rewrite in pure JavaScript code from JQuery code?

I have some trouble using JavaScript. This is my JQuery code. I checked this question convert jquery each function to pure javascript, but cannot solve my problem. I want someone can help me. Thank you in advance. Update This is the code I tried. Answer @GrafiCode said it’s good for me to answer my own question. This is my answer.

Hiding div/popup on page load until button click

I have a working modal in Vue, however, the modal loads empty for a split second on page load and I want it to remain completely hidden (even on page load) until the button is clicked. I tested with display:none in the CSS which works to hide it on page load, but it remains completely hidden when pushing the button

I want to create a html table layout in jQuery

I am trying to create an Html table layout using jQuery but I don’t know where I am doing mistakes. When I try to run this and check the console tab the error comes with undefined( i and table2) I just want to show the table on the chrome page means I want the output. Answer Simpling adding console.log inside

How to add a decimal to jQuery animated counter?

I have an animated jquery counter that’s working fine, but I want to change the end number to a decimal number. So at the moment it’s counting up to 54000, but I want it to give me 54,000. How do I do this? jsfiddle is here Answer Try to use Number.prototype.toLocaleString(). Replace $this.text(this.countNum); with $this.text(this.countNum.toLocaleString());

jQuery ajax parameters not being passed to php as expected

I have the following javaScript code: And in my php code I have the following (to test values coming accross): The code as stated above the XLR value from Chrome’s developer tools is blank. If I run with this code instead: I get: Warning: Trying to access array offset on value of type null at the statement: $jobId = $parms[“jobID”];
