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Tag: jquery-events

Unable to perform the on click event

With reference to the following link, I am trying to do same functionality with on click event Delete My Data button with out using any form. I tried in different ways but it does not happened. Can Any one help me how to do the same example with on click event? HTML: JavaScript: Answer Here the code without using

Why jQuery event loop is interrupted on exception [closed]

Closed. This question is opinion-based. It is not currently accepting answers. Want to improve this question? Update the question so it can be answered with facts and citations by editing this post. Closed 8 years ago. Improve this question After a weird behaviour of our application (using strophe XMPP and jQuery), we have discovered that the jQuery event loop is

Get ‘Nan’ when auto calculate

I am creating a form using Gridview in ASP.NET. When the user fills in Qty and Price it needs to automatically calculate the Total. However, my Total always returns Nan (Not a number). What am I doing wrong? The ASP page looks like this: The JavaScript: Answer why are you using isNan and parseInt at the same time ? i

iPhone vs Javascript event suppression

I’ve got a simple click handler that does something on the screen instead of visiting that link. Here’s the code (I’m cutting out the nonsense but the important stuff is accurate): This works fine on proper browsers. It works fine on Android (both older webkit and newer Chrome builds) and it works fine on iOS on the iPad 2… But
