I have a calendar that I’ve built, and on clicking a day on the calendar, a function is run. You can go month to month on the calendar, and it generates months as it goes. Since every day on the calendar, shown or not, is binded to an event using the class of all the “days,” I’m worried about the
Tag: jquery-events
Convert Jquery code to javascript for .bind event in jquery [closed]
Closed. This question does not meet Stack Overflow guidelines. It is not currently accepting answers. This question appears to be off-topic because it lacks sufficient information to diagnose the problem. Describe your problem in more detail or include a minimal example in the question itself. Closed 8 years ago. Improve this question I want to convert .bind of jQuery to
Unable to perform the on click event
With reference to the following link http://jsfiddle.net/Xtreu/, I am trying to do same functionality with on click event Delete My Data button with out using any form. I tried in different ways but it does not happened. Can Any one help me how to do the same example with on click event? HTML: JavaScript: Answer Here the code without using
Why jQuery event loop is interrupted on exception [closed]
Closed. This question is opinion-based. It is not currently accepting answers. Want to improve this question? Update the question so it can be answered with facts and citations by editing this post. Closed 8 years ago. Improve this question After a weird behaviour of our application (using strophe XMPP and jQuery), we have discovered that the jQuery event loop is
Event listener DOMNodeInserted being run multiple times, why?
I’m trying to listen for a node with a certain class being added to the DOM dynamically. Once this Node has been added i want to then add an instance of of a plugin to this Node. The problem I’m having is DOMNodeInserted is running multiple times which is then running my plugin multiple on this one Node which is
Get ‘Nan’ when auto calculate
I am creating a form using Gridview in ASP.NET. When the user fills in Qty and Price it needs to automatically calculate the Total. However, my Total always returns Nan (Not a number). What am I doing wrong? The ASP page looks like this: The JavaScript: Answer why are you using isNan and parseInt at the same time ? i
How to create a single event handler for a variety of events in JavaScript
I want to do the following with JavaScript/jQuery: JavaScript Pseudo code! HTML Someone knows where to start? It has to be AJAX proof just like the jQuery $.on() method. I only want this for a variety of events and bind it to elements containing the action attribute. Maybe I just parse the HTML and then dynamically create event handlers but
How to add jQuery in Google Blogger without modifying the template?
I have written a script (http://jsfiddle.net/vishnukanwar/yqH5B/) using jQuery which shows a social-like_button div on page load. While this div is shown everything else is blurred. My trouble is, this jQuery script is working fine on my desktop (locally and on jsfiddle) but once I post it to Blogger, it doesn’t work. I feel Blogger does not load jQuery synchronously (even
Google Autocomplete API – format output result
I’m trying to implement Google Places API, so here is my code: Google Autocomplete works fine, however I have one of requirements – only show street name & number instead of full address suggested by Google. So I can get all information by running autocomplete.getPlace() at “place_changed” event – there are no problems with that. The problem is that I
iPhone vs Javascript event suppression
I’ve got a simple click handler that does something on the screen instead of visiting that link. Here’s the code (I’m cutting out the nonsense but the important stuff is accurate): This works fine on proper browsers. It works fine on Android (both older webkit and newer Chrome builds) and it works fine on iOS on the iPad 2… But