I’m working on a small project to create an image gallery using easeljs and jQuery, I’m very new to both tools and this particular problem has got me scratching my head. My HTML is very basic, I just want to get the functionality right before I start adding any bells and whistles : If I understand correctly, in order to
Tag: jquery-events
jQuery capture mousemove when a certain key is pressed
I am trying to capture event if suppose key H is pressed and mouse is moving over some div. KeyPressed and mouseMoving both have to be true. https://jsfiddle.net/bababalcksheep/1Loeh2pn/ Code: Answer This may helpful for you. https://jsfiddle.net/1Loeh2pn/3/
How do I make a jQuery click event revert to what it otherwise would’ve been?
I have a click event that is on elements that by default have click events (<img>s, <a>s, etc.). What I want it to do at the end of the success callback is remove the click event I had attached in the first place, so that it falls back to what it otherwise would’ve been. How do I do this? Answer
Detach event handlers selectively
I have a html richText editor. My code structure is like this: Our app is single page application, and there are multiple richtexteditor instances opened in different panes. I need to destroy the instance when the node corresponding to this has been removed. Destroy should remove all the event handlers attached by that instance. So far Date.now() for uniquely identifying
Start and stop with keypress from keyboard
I have this JavaScript http://jsfiddle.net/ZDsMa/433/ to pick a random number. I put this on html div and I want to start scrambling the numbers with keypress instead of onClick, also to stop again with keypress: Answer You can wrap the animation in a function and then call it on keypress… something like this:
jQuery click makes multiple AJAX calls
I’ve got multiple jQuery scripts working together. One binds the click actions to the elements, another handles the specific functions. Although trying to stop multiple calls in different ways i can still fire off two calls by clicking really fast. After the success call rebinds the action its also possible to double the number of calls each time it comes
key up jQuery removing class
Demo I have here a demo on validating if a class exist in a div. when there is no class another class is removed from a button. Basically what this does is when there are no disabled button the disable on add button will be removed. This works fine if the last thing user will do is change but if
Prevent parent page from scrolling when mouse is over embedded iframe in Firefox
…without limiting the scroll inside the iframe or the need to specifically name/tag all scrollable elements. Imagine google maps widget embedded in parent page. When you zoom in the widget you don’t want the parent page to scroll, obviously. I thought an answer to my previous question solved the problem: While scrolling inside an iframe, the body doesn’t know anything
The default action of a file input disappears while parent div return false
I have a parent div which contains an input element, and every time the parent div is clicked, it returns false. The problem is when the parent div returns false, the default action of a file input is gone, and it won’t prompt the user to upload a file. Is it possible to manually trigger the default action of a
How to (sort of) add code to fullcalendar’s renderEvents handler?
I’m using fullcalendar 1.6.3 along with Drupal 7 (thus the need, for now, to be back on 1.6.3). I have some code that I’d like to run every time the view of my calendar changes (via ajax requests) — forward or backward in time, or between month/week/day view. Based on some tests, I could do this by hacking the source