I take img element with a class “.follow”, then I hide it and replace it with a new created element button with a class .followbutton. After mouseout event I take this new created button element, hide it and replace it with a new created img element with a class .follow. Finally I have new element img with the same attributes
Tag: jquery-events
Perform different actions with a button based on the data attribute
I have one button. His first action is to stop a video. Then it’s icon change and data-status too. His second action is to reload the page. The problem is that I can’t do the second even if I code some conditions. Sometimes it don’t do anything, sometimes the second action comes at the same time of the first one.
Changing class name and changing event response
I have a button with the class add-to-favorite when clicked the class is changed to remove-from-favorite and a file is added to favorite. When the user clicks on the button again, it has remove-from-favorite The class is changed to add-to-favorite and the file must be removed from the favorite, but this is not the case. The button acts like the
Jquery keyup event not firing
I’m trying to create handle the keyup event in a search field in my page using JQuery. The event is not being fired however, I don’t see anything in the console. Relevant Javascript Search Field Answer i check your sample on my side all run find. try replacing your code by something like the following : To be sure to
Closest function in jQuery and extracting the elements
I have a html fragment as follows: I have a text called: I have want to check if the text matches with any of the elements of li and add a class name “disable” for the anchor element not matching with text. I my case I want to add a class called “disable” for <a id=”A”> This is what I
Javascript event listener problems
Supposing we have : When the calendar is updated, the event will not be replaced, so after a click event in the calendar, it will update one time but will not re-put the event listener provided by awesomeFunction. So what’s the problems ? Answer You can use event delegation: When you attach an event listener to an element, the listener
Remaining characters if data exists Javascript
I have a web site where users create an account and that information is saved to a JSON. When the user hits “save” the page refreshes and that data is echoed in the field pulling from the JSON. The problem I am experiencing is in one text area I want to limit the amount of characters. The script works perfectly
Change the value of synced textarea with keyup event in JavaScript
I would like to change ik into b each time but it changes only once. I tried lot of methods to change it dynamically but I couldn’t. Can anyone help? Answer There is no replaceAll in javascript, you have to use regular expression with global flag for doing that. So write your code like below, And your full code would
Event listener conflict between jQuery and OpenLayers
The application is a web map (OpenLayers 2) on which one can open dialog boxes by clicking certain features. Dialog boxes are handled with jQuery-ui. The Bug: On resizing a dialog, if the user drags the cursor too quickly, the cursor outpaces the size updating of the dialog. Normally this would require pretty jerky movements, but due to just how
on submit of dynamically generated form, find which submit button was clicked
I have multiple forms which are dynamically generated at runtime by a template engine, in order to generate an ajax request on their submission I have used the on method to delegate the event. The form has two submit buttons, and I need to detect which of them was clicked and pass this information to the ajax request. However I