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Tag: javascript

Detect version of JavaScript

How can I detect what version of JavaScript the browser supports (if any)? I want to check for ECMAScript 3 versus ECMAScript 5 versus ECMAScript 6. Note: I want to avoid the deprecated language tag. Answer I suppose it depends on what you want to do with the information, but many people prefer to do feature detection, instead of figuring

Warn user before leaving web page with unsaved changes

I have some pages with forms in my application. How can I secure the form in such a way that if someone navigates away or closes the browser tab, they should be prompted to to confirm they really want to leave the form with unsaved data? Answer Short, wrong answer: You can do this by handling the beforeunload event and

Detecting keydown/up events during HTML5 native drag

I’ve an element that can be dragged using native HTML5. It has dragstart, drag, and dragend event listeners assigned to it. In addition, I also have keydown and keyup event listeners assigned to document.body element. When dragging the draggable element, ondrag event will fire as expected. When I press & release any key while not dragging anything, document.body keydown/up events

Javascript .replace command replace page text?

Can the JavaScript command .replace replace text in any webpage? I want to create a Chrome extension that replaces specific words in any webpage to say something else (example cake instead of pie). Answer The .replace method is a string operation, so it’s not immediately simple to run the operation on HTML documents, which are composed of DOM Node objects.

Replace too long strings with “…”

Lets say we have a <div style=”width:100px;”>This text is too long to fit</div> The text in the div is dynamic. And I’d like to force the text to fit in width and not break. So i need some kind of functionality to test if the text is going to fit, and if it is not, then i’d like to display

Wait until a condition is true?

I’m using navigator.geolocation.watchPosition in JavaScript, and I want a way to deal with the possibility that the user might submit a form relying on location before watchPosition has found its location. Ideally the user would see a ‘Waiting for location’ message periodically until the location was obtained, then the form would submit. However, I’m not sure how to implement this
