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Tag: javascript

Access dynamic nested key in JS object

I have an array like [‘animals’, ‘cats’, ‘cute’, ‘fast’, ‘small’, …], and want to access nested keys of the object like Usually I would write object[‘animals’][‘cats’][‘cute’][‘fast’][‘small’].. The problem is that keys and the number of levels are dynamic (so I can get objects with 2 nested levels or 50), so I have no idea how it can be done Thanks

JS How to test if a string is only an abbreviation?

Any JS Regex expert that could help me return true if the word is only an abbreviation or else false? Tried this regex. But it also returns true for strings like. A.. A.B B.BA.. Greg D. Bot I’m trying to formulate a regex that could only return true for the following: A.B. A.B.C. A.B.C.D. And so on.. Answer Dubious definitions

`useState`, only update component when values in object change

Problem useState always triggers an update even when the data’s values haven’t changed. Here’s a working demo of the problem: demo Background I’m using the useState hook to update an object and I’m trying to get it to only update when the values in that object change. Because React uses the comparison algorithm to determine when it should update;

Keeping zero value in reverse string javascript

I would like to reverse a string in javascript and keep zero value. It keeps on removing the 0 and if you add 0 it gives a totally different number Would like it to keep the number zero and not change the value to something different wen adding the number 0 Any help would be appreciated Answer When you are

Is an href=mailto the end of code execution?

I am modifying an old website, and I have run into an issue with javascript. I was hoping somebody could help explain it to me. In this website, there is a location.href=”mailto:…” statement. After the mailto, there is some code that is expected to run. In older versions of this website, this code would run properly, but in my version,

What is axios rate limit?

Does anyone know’s the rate limit of the axios api because it is throwing a lot of 429 errors when i am using it here is my codes Answer Axios is an Http Client. Http Clients won’t have a rate limit. However, API’s typically have rate limiting implemented (especially public onces). The error message you’re receiving is saying the following:
