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Tag: javascript

Save ID in variable and add style to it

I want to highlight randomly a word which is inside a <p> tag with the id=JShighlight. It should blink one time and then another randomly chosen word should blink.** I can’t add the css style needed to the ID. The words are nested in a span with an unique id like id=”one” oder id=”two”. Like: To chose a word randomly,

Why doesn’t my JS update my data-theme back?

I want to have a button inside my navbar (ul li) that can toggle between theme=light and theme=dark. However, only activating dark mode works. Code: I created a button <li><a href=”#” onclick=”darkMode()”><i class=”fas fa-moon”></i></a></li>, with a JS function and my css looks like this: Answer 1. You start the function by setting the isOn to false. so Boolean(isOn) === false

Can’t find variable: counter, in expo

Been using React for a bit and wanted to try out native using expo, when I click on a button to increment a counter, I get a ReferenceError on my phone saying “Can’t find variable: counter”, I don’t get any error on the expo gui or in VSCode, very confused. Answer Change your increment function to Make sure to define

Sortying array by two criteria

I have array like this: And I’m trying to sort this array so elements that are isImportant: true with the most recent date are displayed first and then elements that have isImportant:false with the most recent date Answer I hope this will resolve your issue

How to alter a API response with Javascript

I wrote this little app that takes in a set of starwars characters and returns images in an array. The result of the above code looks like this : But i would like a result where i can know which image belongs to which keyword. Maybe a format like this or something similar : I tried this : Results were
