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Tag: javascript

Nuxt.js with Typeform causes me to force reload page

I am making my own personal webdesign website but I can’t wrap my head around this problem. How it happens: When I navigate from any page to my contact-page (where the Typeform is), the Typeform is simply not showing. When I reload the contact-page itself, it works as it is expected. I am loading the Typeform script this way: contact.vue

Issue with filtering on dynamically added elements

I have the following code to filter a UL list based on click on another UL. I will append dynamically some more elements to the bs-glyphicons-list-sub list to be filtered and I need to modify my code for this. The line I need to modify is the following: where I need to include the elements that I appended after DOM

Include JSON files into React build

I know this question maybe exist in stack overflow but I didn’t get any good answers, and I hope in 2020 there is better solution. In my react app I have a config JSON file, it contains information like the title, languages to the website etc.. and this file is located in ‘src’ directory I want to make my website

How should I pass `cardNumberElement`, `cardExpiryElement` and `cardCvcElement` into `stripe.confirmCardPayment`’s `payment_method.card`?

In stripe docs, I can easily create a card like this And I simpliy pass the cardElement to confirmCardPayment However, for visual style css reason, I have to split cardElement in to three pieces like this: Then I want to call stripe.confirmCardPayment, what should I do right now? The doc only shows cardElement method, no splitted example. Answer You can

Get corner items in current CSS grid layout, expanding on hover

I’m using grid-template-columns: repeat(auto-fit, 250px) to keep grid items 250px wide but automatically adjust number of row-items according to screen-width. Now I want that when I hover over an item, it expands taking a bit of its sibling’s space, with its sibling getting shrunk. By console.log(), I found nextElementSibling that can be used. So I’m thinking of something like- This

How to handle streaming data using fetch?

I have used async for with great success in handling output streams from processes with node.js, but I’m struggling to get something that I was hoping could “just work” with the browser fetch API. This works great to async’ly handle chunks of output streaming from a process: (in an async function context here of course) I tried to do something

show/hide section in wordpress with select values

I use Divi Theme in Wordpress. I have sections that I gave IDs. I have a select, and for each option value I use the sections IDs. I want show one section by changing the select option and hide the other section that is showed. Here is the select : Here is the javascript : Could you tell my why
