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Tag: javascript

How to find a key by value of a child element?

My JSON file (countries_numbers.json): Now I want search in this JSON file for a value. Something like that: SEARCHING: countryPrefix = “226” ¦ WHEN FOUND RETURN: “BF” ELSE RETURN “false” I hope you new what I want to do. Sry for the bad question, I’m absolute new to JavaScript. PS: I already searched on Google and found nothing. Answer One

Recursion, pass function as an argument

I want to run a function certain amount of times using recursion, for example: repeat(console.log(‘Hello’), 3) should print Hello 3 times. I tried to implement such function but it prints only one word Hello. Answer A few mistakes in your code: You’re not passing the function as an argument. You don’t need to use + to make two functions run

Node.JS – Product is not a constructor error

My code is as follows and gets me “message”: “Product is not a constructor” using postman. Router seems to be properly configured but now I don’t know what is the issue. File product constructor is placed at the right direction. When running node server I get no errors in terminal. product constructor Router for POSTS Answer It should be module.exports

Authorization error still persists when calling getDataSourceFormula() even after allowing script to acces Google Sheets

I am trying to get the content of a cell’s formula from a custom function that I wrote. I’m just trying to get the formula stored in B2. In Google Sheets. I am getting “Exception: Authorization is required to perform that action. (line 5).”. I tried revoking the authorization, adding the next first three lines and authorizing again. Nothing worked.

Alpine JS Table Data Binding

I’m a newbie in Alpine JS. I want to design my table with detailed rows like this: I wrote a simple HTML table like this: I tried to bind my JSON to this table. At that point, it did not work as expected. Here is what I tried: With this code, the output will look like this: User detail fields

Ball bounces along a parabolic trajectory

The question was initiated by a topic In that question, the bounces were vertical This question concerns bounces with different amounts of offset in height and length But it is difficult to realize the unevenness of movement and speed. How to implement realistic parabolic ball movement? Any idea and solution would be appreciated. Answer I allowed for this behaviour in

Three.js – Model cannot receive any shadow

I’m currently new and learning about three.js. And i’m using react-three-fiber to make it happen with React, but i stumbled upon a problem. The model however, cannot receive any shadow from another model. I’ve tried to use obj.castShadow = true and obj.receiveShadow = true to one of the receiving shadow model object on the parent and the children as well

mock node config with jest

I introduce myself currently for the first time in jest and nodejs. I am facing the problem that I have to mock two different values from the nodejs config. the problem is that the second mockReturnValue overwrites the first one. is there any possibility to separate booth mocks from each other? Maybe with something like: Answer Since you would want
