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Tag: if-statement

switching between two colors is not working

What is it that I am missing here so my page switches between these two colors? Thank you ! Answer You’re never changing the value of isBlue, so it’s always false, so you always set white as the background color. Afrer the if/else, invert the flag: E.g.: Side note: “isBlue” seems an odd name for a flag that sets a

Parsing to Check if NAN Javascript

I have an onclick even set up to take the value of an input and alert if the value is a number. If the value of the input is blank, I am trying to alert it to say “No Number,” however, it seems that even if my input it empty the function returns a statement saying the the “empty” value

If domain specified not equal to then current URL apply this jQuery as well as pages with same domain

The code below only shows <span> on but wont show <span> on so how can I get it to work on all pages with the specified domain? Please help. Answer What you wrote doesn’t work because window.location returns a Location object, which is a host object. The variable myurl is a string. When comparing a string and an
