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Tag: http

Is it possible to receive http requests using vanilla js?

The title says it all. Is it possible to receive http requests using vanilla JS? I know the fetch API allow me to send them, but, as far as I know, there’s no way to receive them. If there is, how? Jquery? Answer JS itself has no mechanisms for input and output. It depends on the host environment to provide

Let 3rd party change styles of an iframe of my site

Let’s say I am hosting and have file that is simple as this: Now say 3rd party website called wants to embed this content via iframe element like this: So I get this result in the Chrome browser when I open (ie. is playing the role of the 3rd party site here, while is

Axios PUT request not sending all data to server JS

My problem is that I am sending an axios request with certain data, however, not all of the data is being updated in the user model. See my code below: Front-End code with axios request: User model in the backend: Update controller in the backend: Address and phone number are updating correctly, however, nationalid will not update for the life

capture error from catchError –

component which is calling submitUser Here is the service file with submitUser function and here is the httpService Post and handleError methods handleError adisplays the console error, I am trying to return/capture this error in my submitUser function in service.ts How do i do that ? Any Inputs appreciated, Thanks Answer Your handleError() method returns an error observable along with

Get exact reuest header in node http

Is there a way to see/inspect the complete request header send by the native node http module? I’m doing sth. like that: and I’ like to see if there are any cookies send with this request. Answer I think Node’s documentation will tell you of any headers it will add. Reviewing it, it looks like by default it will add
