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Tag: graphics

Ramp in and out SVG turbulence filter

I’m working on a non-linear menu and I’d like it to have a nice animation when hovering over the options. I managed to put together a turbulence svg filter that I like. Now I’m wondering how to make it so that when one hovers over the option the turbulence ramps up progresively, and that the same happens in the opposite

it’s possible to obtain the data stored in a label label to assign it to another variable and thus be able to graph it?

my label Porcentaje: here I am adding the result of my operation to the label document.getElementById(“percentage1”).innerHTML = perc1 + “%”; I am trying to assign it to another variable the value of the label let PorcElement6 = document.getElementById(“percentage1”).label; I am trying to add that variable to the graph data: [PorcElement6, PorcElement7, PorcElement8, PorcElement9, PorcElement10], Answer Read it with .innerText, for

Transformation matrix rotation not preserving local axis scaling?

I have a simple transform class to apply translations, scales and rotations on a div in any arbitrary order: A problem arises when I wish to rotate after a non-uniform scale has been made. Edit – Newer interactive example: Here is the example I made: In the example here: The expected result is for Test 1 Text and

How to Set WebGLRender background to transparent

I’m trying to put objects in front of CSS3DObjects with the THREE.NoBlending hack. But I only see the black plane without the CSS3DObject in the newest revisions (tried r65 and r66). A small example I made looks like this: index.html: moo.html: This is the result: Revision 58: Revision 66: I’ve tried to understand why, it’s probably something very
