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Tag: google-tag-manager

Google Tag track popup

I straggle with setting up the google tag for a popup on the website. I follow the guides, but it doesnt work. There is the code from the webpage, what should i take specifically? The webpage where i want to track from –> I need to track the red button 30 Tage Testversion(30 days test version). After it should

What is the canonical way to manually fire page_view in Google Tag Manager and Google Analytics 4 (GA4)?

My website is a single page app (SPA) that never changes browser history or the page title. Therefore, it’s my understanding that I have two options if I want to capture page_view events: Add browser history and a unique title for every virtual page. Manually fire a page_view in SPA code. I’m going with option 2. I’ve read numerous articles

Is it possible to get a DOM element in GTM custom template?

Description So I’ve read through the GTM Custom template APIs; but I don’t find anything regarding getting (e.g.) a div element. I’ve tried copying document from window using copyFromWindow() or calling document.getElementById through callInWindow(), but both times, I always get this error message when I add document to the permissions: The value must not start with any key predefined on
