I’m trying to implement this script to find the current date on all viewable sheets (Not Hidden) and move to the active date range (today) on whichever tab it’s on upon open. I found this thread but it’s now locked, https://productforums.google.com/forum/#!topic/docs/NiPjCPUOx3M The script they used to achieve this is listed in the code section: This code doesn’t seem to work
Tag: google-sheets
How to add an API Key to a UrlFetchApp in Google Apps Scripts
Solved Thanks to Dimu Designs for helping out. The following works. Problem I’m trying to use Google App Scripts within Google Sheets to call the external Fortnite API to request player data. The bit I’m stuck on how to add an API Key as a header when passing the request. This is what I’ve built so far (please no laughing)!…
Automatically replace dots with commas in a Google Sheets Column with Google Script
I have a WooCommerce store, which is connected with Zapier to a Google spreadsheet. In this file, I keep track of the sales etc. Some of these columns contain -obviously- prices, such as price ex VAT, etc. However, for some reason the pricing values are stored in my spreadsheet as strings, such as 18.21. To be able to automatically calculate
Creating a JSON object from Google Sheets
I am trying to learn AppScript and I am using Google Sheets as an example. I want to create a simple JSON object using some data populated in the Sheet. Table Example Name ID Price Qty ABC 123 100 1 DEF 342 56 2 HIJ 233 90 3 IJK 213 68 5 I want the JSON out to be something
Google Script – get data from Gmail into Sheet
I have been looking around here on SO and on Google, but I cannot find anything that is working. So when I am running my code below, I am getting the result on the image. I want to extract data from the newest/most recent thread in mails that have a specific label. However, in my Gmail, I only have the
Trying to add a hyperlink to Google Sheets via API
I’m using the gapi.client.sheets.spreadsheets.create() method and passing in an object to create a spreadsheet with some predefined values. I’ve tried various implementations and haven’t yet succeeded in pulling it off. I’m referring to the docs here: https://developers.google.com/sheets/api/reference/rest/v4/spreadsheets#CellData. My Object looks something like this: Google says: “To set it, use a =HYPERLINK formula”. Is this not the hyperlink formula? When the
How could I get the link of an specific sheet with Google script?
I have a spreadsheet with many sheets. Each sheet is a report and has a different link. How could I get the link of this active sheet? Eg: Output > The link of the report is available here. Answer Your ‘here’ link doesn’t work, however, in lieu of that, it is possible to create a public hyperlink to a specific
Google script – parse HTML from Website Forum – and Write Data to Sheet
I’m getting HTML from a forum url, and parsing the post count of the user from their profile page. I don’t know how to write the parsed number into the Google spreadsheet. It should go account by account in column B till last row and update the column A with count. The script doesn’t give me any errors, but it
Google Docs Spreadsheet to JSON
I’ve seen numerous articles on this but they seem outdated, for instance none of the Google Docs Spreadsheet urls has key parameter. I read this as well: JSON data from google spreadsheet Then I read this to access data https://developers.google.com/gdata/samples/spreadsheet_sample My spreadsheet exists at: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1SKI5773_68HiSve1fsz7fr4gotjFWHB7KBuVsOlLz6I/edit#gid=0 I’ve tried using this code, I think I have a problem with the key or
Google Script to copy the values of a column and insert a new column in spreadsheet
I have started creating a spreadsheet to monitor some results from facebook, youtube etc… A lot of things I did I was able to learn from previous answers on this site. Now I am stuck with trying to find a script which can help me do the following: Column A contains the description of the metric Column B contains the