I created a Google Slides that contains a lot of variables. I want to be able to pull all variables I have in there at once to Google Sheets. I’m using apps script to get all of the texts as strings from all shapes in the slides. I have strings that includes both text and variables. The desired output is
Tag: google-apps-script
Syntax error: SyntaxError: Cannot use import statement outside a module line: 1 file: Code.gs
I wanted to create a script, which would send data from the google form to the discord webhook in google apps script. But I receive the error in the first line: Here is the error: Answer discord.js depends on Node.js. It cannot run on Google Apps Script. If you want to contact a discord webhook, then do so directly using
Google Apps Script – If Last Column in table, then paste data with new row
My information is set in columns (A to E), info paste in 2 rows (A2:A3, B2:B3…). What I want to happen is when info set in last column E (E2:E3, E5:E6 and more), new info paste with a new row in column A (A5:A6, B5:B6). My info is in the spreadsheet: This code paste info doesn’t work correctly: Answer Here
javascript filter elements not found in second array
solved: requires explicit return statement for each filter. I thought the single boolean in each filter would be clear enough. by @adiga I want to find the elements in one array (dcm) that are not found in a second array (vari). I want to match only two elements, vp (string type) and vd (date type). I’ve made sure there are
How to programmatically format text between start and end tags and then remove the tags
Edit: the below endeavor is related to Google Apps Script to format text in a Google Doc. I’m not familiar with JavaScript and really have only done some small bit of R coding and so this effort is a bit of parsing what I can google as well as some trial and error. I’ve had some promising success, but I’m
ToggleButton for Google HtmlService
What is the easiest way to get some kind of toggle switch for Google HtmlService? Google UiApp used to be able to create a simple ToggleButton like the following: var toggleButton = app.createToggleButton(‘ON’, ‘Off’).setId(‘MySwitch’); But UiApp has been deprecated. “Please use HtmlService instead” I’ve tried https://www.w3schools.com/jsref/tryit.asp?filename=tryjsref_radio_value https://www.w3schools.com/jsref/tryit.asp?filename=tryjsref_checkbox_value But found I cannot make them a two-stage item. Then I tried I
Give permission in a gmail addon
I’m trying to put together a script for Gmail in Google Apps Scripts add-on that will reply to all email on weekends with an out of office message: I keep getting this error however: Exception: The script does not have permission to perform that action. Required permissions: (https://www.googleapis.com/auth/gmail.labels || https://www.googleapis.com/auth/gmail.metadata || https://www.googleapis.com/auth/gmail.readonly || https://www.googleapis.com/auth/gmail.modify || https://mail.google.com/) This happened after I
How to send/archive a row of data from one sheet to another through trigger?
I would like for a way to send a row of data from a sheet (Sheet) to another (Sheet Archive). If “Archive” is written in the 2nd column of a row, it sends the data to the archive sheet. I want the data to stack one row after another. Say I archive row #20 in Sheet #1, I want it
Google script – use every time the newest sheet
I want to create a script which should use everytime the newest sheet. The sheet gets updates from another group and I want to create an email alert, if I have something to do. Everytime this spreadsheet get an update from another team, they create a new sheet with name of the date (TT.MM) and make the old one invisble.
JS sort array by two columns of Dates
I am trying to sort an multidimensional array by dates in two columns. Each element of the array looks like that [Thu Feb 25 10:00:00 GMT-05:00 2021, Tue Mar 09 10:00:00 GMT-05:00 2021, 1326M98301, 1326M98301, product 3, 1.0, 2.188120526039E12] I want to sort it first by the second column and then by the first. Lets say that first column is