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Tag: express

MongoDB FIND method does not work in code

so when I try to find items in a collection through the console using the method db.DB_NAME.find({ x: y }, it works just fine. However, when trying to do the same in the code, it does not work. Perhaps it is worthy mentioning that the method findOne works great within the code. Consulting through the console Code: What I get

Unable to load CSS file within nodeJS app

I have an app that I followed from a tutorial for the backend in nodeJS and Express. My connection to MongoDB via Mongoose is working. However, I’ve been trying to add a front-end- at the moment- just a simple html/ejs/css form. My endpoints are loading in localhost but only the html/ejs is rendering. My css file shows as plain code

“TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading ‘hasOwnProperty’)” error

EDIT: PROBLEM SOLVED. I’m trying to make an update profile page for an Express app with Mongoose, and I got the error “TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading ‘hasOwnProperty’)”. I am confused how to fix it. Here is my code, thanks (error shown) [1]: Answer So… idk why this works but I forgot to make the profile picture

Tailwindcss not rendering in ExpressJS/React app

I am trying to add TailwindCSS to my existing Express JS + React application. I have tried many different tutorials, such as this one for regular JS, and this one made specifically for Create-React-App . I later tried this tutorial for express js My project was initially made with Create-React-App, but I later changed everything to run
