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Tag: excel

Read a csv or excel (xlsx) file with just javascript and html?

Is it possible to read a excel xlsx or csv, preferably xlsx, using just JavaScript and html. All the solutions (sheetsJS, d3{d3 uses the Fetch API}) I have found require a webserver. I understand I can get a simple webserver using web server for chrome or python or node.js. Futhermore, I understand I can run chrome with certain flags, but

Excel Add-in: How to create a range?

I am writing an Excel add-in in JavaScript. What I need to do is find the currently selected cell, then create a range object that is 4 columns wide and X rows high, with the selected cell at the top left of the selection. I know how to find the currently selected cell, but I don’t know how to either

Reading excel file in Reactjs

I am trying and banging my head already while trying to read excel file in Reactjs. I have tried multiple libraries out there like, Sheetjs , excel-parser, exceljs and so on (like 8-9) libraries. I am getting weird and different errors in every library. For example i am using excel-parser and getting following error That is because it is a

How to export an HTML table as a .xlsx file

I have a question about exporting an HTML table as an xlsx file. I did some work and now I can export it as an xls, but I need to export it as an xlsx. Here is my jsFiddle: Here is my HTML: Here is my JavaScript code: Answer You won’t be able to export it as XLSX without

Parse XLSX with Node and create json

Ok so I found this really well documented node_module called js-xlsx Question: How can I parse an xlsx to output json? Here is what the excel sheet looks like: In the end the json should look like this: index.js: Answer Improved Version of “Josh Marinacci” answer , it will read beyond Z column (i.e. AA1).

financial rate function in javascript not working properly

the function given at simple financial rate function in javascript is not giving me same answers as excel rate function some time. It works perfectly for the problem given at but for my test cases. its results are different from excel rate. this is strange behaviour. i am unable to sort this out. my test cases (with excel output)
