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Why does node.js give me a parsing error even when I’m not trying to parse?

I’m somehow getting this error:

UnhandledPromiseRejectionWarning: SyntaxError: Failed to parse value of 607341305994936320votecrate, try passing a raw option to get the raw value

And I don’t know why… Could anyone explain what this error means or tell me the error in my code? Thanks!

const express = require('express');
const app = express();
const path = require('path');
const port = 300;
const Database = require("@replit/database")
const db = new Database()
const Topgg = require("@top-gg/sdk")

const topggauth = process.env['topgg']
const webhook = new Topgg.Webhook(topggauth)"/dblwebhook", webhook.listener(vote => {
  const user = vote.user

  if (vote.type == 'test'){
  if (vote.type){
    const weekend = vote.isWeekend
    function weekendcheck() {
      if (weekend == "true"){
        return 2
      if (weekend == "false"){
        return 1
    var uservotec = (user + "votecrate")
    db.get(uservotec).then(value => {
      if (!value){
        db.set(uservotec, weekendcheck())
      if (value){
        db.set(uservotec, (weekendcheck() + Number(value)))

app.listen(port, () => console.log('App port online!'));

Thanks! Please note that the vote variable is in json format similar to this:

{ user: ‘607341305994936320’, type: ‘test’, query: ”, bot: ‘981329232456192100’, isWeekend: ‘false’, }



I was able to find an answer. For some reason, I needed to use JSON.stringify on the variable uservotec… Instead of the code in line 28, use this:

var uservotec = JSON.stringify(user + "votecrate")

Alternatively, you could convert the user variable to a javascript object.

var user = JSON.parse(vote.user)

Thank you for everyone’s help in helping me find an answer.

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