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Tag: email

Masking of email address using reg expression

Trying to develop masking for email address using reg expression but not able to achieve the desired result. Input : After masking I am looking for result something like this: What I tried is this reg expression: Answer Your question needs some clarification. Here is an answer making some assumptions: keep 2 leading and trailing chars of the name

sendgrid mail sending error upon placing multiple receiver

I’m using const sgMail = require(‘@sendgrid/mail’); and utilizing sendgrid version 7.6.2. When I’m adding two email addresses in array and passing that into send() or sendMultiple() it’s throwing me error like this. here’s the section where I’m putting the multiple emails, here if I pass one email as in form of string the mail is getting triggered. Can anyone please

How to send pdf via gmail api

I have implemented gapi/ 0Auth2 elsewhere in my code and everything works, except the attached PDF is broken. The PDF can not be previewed and is empty when downloaded. ´´´ ´´´ I have tried premade PDF, rather than jsPDF. I have followed the documentation on google and looked at different post, but there seem to be no documentation for this

How to send an email through a web page [closed]

Closed. This question needs details or clarity. It is not currently accepting answers. Want to improve this question? Add details and clarify the problem by editing this post. Closed 2 years ago. Improve this question I am developing a website and testing it on my local server by Xampp. In my website I want to send an email to a
