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Tag: electron

How to overflow auto focus last element

I develop Todo App. İf add to new element, scrollbars not focusing bottom of the page. How can i solve this problem ? Answer You can make use of Element.scrollIntoView() after adding it. For example: For more information’s about compatibility you should have a look at it is marked as experimental, but all common browsers support it.

Electron notarisation failed due to The binary uses an SDK older than the 10.9 SDK

We are trying to notarise the electron app but I’m getting this error.The versions which we are using are electron: 3.0.6, electron-builder”: “^21.2.0 Answer By installing some dependencies and moving some dependency to dev-dependencies worked for me. In my case, electron-publisher-s3 I moved this package to dev dependency. This ticket helped me Link

import menu to browser window by “require” function

I am working on a electron demo by following this tutorial. just wondering what happened in the require line of code. ./menu/mainmenu.js defines the menu items. main.js does the require(‘./menu/mainmenu’) copy whole file into main.js? Or imported some modules? In the mainmenu.js file There is no export keyword. according to the node.js documentation, “The basic functionality of require is that

Import jQuery with contextBridge

I’m trying to use contextBridge in Electron, but I keep getting an error when I try to require(‘jQuery’) in preload.js. Here is my preload.js: As soon as I put require(‘jQuery’), I get this error: I want to import APIs like this since it improves security and contextIsolation will be enabled by default in later versions of Electron. Answer I have

Should I use Context Isolation with my Electron App

My friend and I are almost done with our project. It’s basically a now playing/miniplayer app for Spotify. When I was checking the render process console, I had one more warning that I wanted to clear. It was about worldSafeExecuteJavaScript being true and how it’s unsafe. I looked farther in to it and it turns out I need to turn

Accessing html elements from another page inside div

So I’m pretty new to html/javascript but i’m working on a project where i’m loading a external html page inside a div, that when loaded looks like so: and inside the ‘#document’ is the external html. This external html contains some titles that can be minimized and maximazed to hide/show their content. I have a side-menu on the main html
