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React component not rerendering after state change despite using setState()

I tried to fetch data from an embedded sqlite db and displayed it in list format. The fetchData() function is working, with correct returned result. However, when I used setState() to update the state, react did not re-render. Next I tried to setState() with array [‘a’,’b’,’c’] at componentDidMount(). React did re-render and showed a, b, c.

import React from 'react';
import sqlite3 from 'sqlite3';

type MyProps = {  };
type MyState = { data: Array<string> };

class App extends React.Component<MyProps, MyState>{
  constructor(props) {
    this.state = { data: [] };

  async fetchData(){
    var db = new sqlite3.Database({$DB_PATH});
    var res: string[] = [];
    await db.each('select * from table', [], (err, row) => { //selecting 10 rows from table
      if (err) {
        throw err;
    console.log( //array length = 0
    this.setState({data: res})
    console.log( //array length = 10

   async componentDidMount() {
      await this.fetchData();   

  render() {
  return (
          { => (
export default App;



Because of db.each won’t return a Promise so that you cannot reach result by ‘await’ statement. Refer to the APIs, you’ll need to this:

each(sql: string, params: any, callback?: (this: Statement, err: Error | null, row: any) => void, complete?: (err: Error | null, count: number) => void): this;

so, you should access the result in the complete callback, code like so:

async fetchData() {
  const db = new sqlite3.Database({ $DB_PATH });
  const res: string[] = [];
  await db.each('select * from table', [], (err, row) => { // selecting 10 rows from table
    if (err) {
      throw err;
  }, () => {
    console.log( // array length = 0
    this.setState({ data: res })
    console.log( // array length = 10

Hope it will be helpful.

Besides, you can also have a try with Statement#all([param, ...], [callback]) function which is a better than each.

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