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Tag: drop-down-menu

Show JSON data in table in selectbox

There is a JSON data and I have displayed each key value as a column in the table. I want to export data from JSON to each column as a selectbox. i.e. I want to show all corresponding values ​​of “country” in JSON as selectbox in COUNTRY column. My JSON data My Javascript How can i edit? Answer Do you

Sort Option children by index value for both parent Selects (Javascript Only)

I’m trying to create a Dual List Box using only vanilla Javascript, no JQuery or JS packages, for learning purposes. When a user double-clicks an Option, that Option appends to the other parent Select (boxB) and is removed from the original parent Select (boxA), and vice versa. The Option elements have data-index attributes with ascending numerical values. How do I

Two Drop Down Menus

I wish I could use jQuery, but this has to in JavaScript. I’d appreciate the help. When “empty” (first drop down menu) is selected, I need all values from the second drop down menu (a, b, c). When “1” is selected, I need just a, b. When “2” is selected, I need just b, c. Nothing’s wrong with the drop
