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Tag: django

Django Ajax returns whole html page

I’m trying to create live search filter,with ajax and my it works correctly, but it returns whole html page, how can i make to get only part which I want to render in my template. Answer Returning the result with JSON will solve your problem. For Example, # Django view # Jquery function

Set URL to load iframe in a Django template

I want to load an iframe into a Django template. The template is getting loaded correctly, but in place of the iframe, the template itself is getting embedded inside the parent template. The code relevant is given below: testgame.html is a file located in the same directory as this HTML template, but it doesn’t load. In its place, the parent

how to pass csrf_token to javascript file in django?

Here is my javascript code that works fine. but I like to keep javascript files seperate and not use as inline script tags I want to include this in my custom.js file that I have included in my base.html. which is I am not able to reference csrf_token that is available in the current template in Django to the static

Convert Python None to JavaScript null

In a Django view I am generating a data set something like this: I am passing this data to a JavaScript variable using: For use in a High Charts script. Unfortunately JavaScript is stumbling when it encounters the None value because actually what I need is null. How can I best replace None with null, and where should I handle
